Monday, September 14, 2009

Kenya Photos

The guys. From left: Joey, Baraka, Andrew, myself

VBS! (photo courtesy of Abby Fisher)

The whole team in Kalifi village (photo courtesy of Abby Fisher)

Benjamin and Lucy Chengo. You can also see their
son Immanuel in the background, and the hallway
that we all helped to paint.

The rain catchment system. Gutters captured the rain, and an attachment funneled the water into the tank (center).


  1. Awesome photos Tyler! What are you doing? Why are you in Kenya? I'm sure there is an exciting story behind these pictures!

  2. I spent the month of August in Kenya with a group from my church. We helped out some local missionaries with the work they were doing in Malindi, a town on the coast of Kenya.
    I've considered putting an entry on this blog about my experience, but haven't had the time.
