Thursday, October 21, 2010

For taj (Warning: Don't Look if Contact Dermatitis Freaks You Out!)

So, about a month ago, for the first time in my life, I developed contact dermatitis as a result of an encounter with a urushiol secreting plant (poison ivy). I have repeatedly noted the irony of getting this in metropolitan Atlanta after numerous years of tramping around California in some of the state's most poison oak-laden areas, without consequence.

Anyways, for your curiosity, sympathy, schadenfreude, or basic disgust, here are some pictures:

1 comment:

  1. YES!!! Schadenfreude here :) Miss you, bro, and would gladly dismiss you of this wretched condition and bear it on myself if I had the ability to do that...but since I don't...have fun!!

    Your Little Brother Karitsu
