Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Winter Quarter 2009: complete!

I just completed a series of three finals in one day. My last final ended at 9:30pm. I am so glad I will never have to sit through an 8:30pm final again (at least at UC Davis)!

So now I am done! For spring break I am going to go down to LA to visit Fuller Theological Seminary. Maybe I'll check out the AGO house at USC. Probably going to just hang out and relax for the remainder of spring break. Small tangent... UC Davis used to give its students notoriously short spring breaks. During my freshman year, "spring break" was basically a five day weekend. Fortunately we get a good week now, which is definitely acceptable.

Finally, some life updates: I was accepted into the Master of Biotechnology Program at Northwestern! Fuller hasn't made a decision about my application yet, but that is due to some logistical issues with my application (kind of my fault, I applied for Spring 2010 with no reason whatsoever behind the decision). Support raising for Kenya is going well. Next quarter I'm taking swimming and music history classes (two separate classes, though I wish that there actually was a class that combined swimming and music history...swimming to baroque music maybe?).

Well, that's all from me!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Good going! You hadn't told me directly that you had been accepted and I haven't been keeping up to date on my blogs for the past few days... Congrats!!!
